Location-Based Entertainment - FAQ
Location Based Entertainment (also known as LBE) is defined as any attraction, experience or leisure offering that exists within a commercial real estate development. These experiential entertainment properties are essential anchors for driving guest throughput to malls, mixed-use developments, retail districts, and resort destinations of all sizes. Schedule a meeting with the Immersive Arts team to discuss your property and view our helpful FAQ below to learn more about Location-Based Entertainment (LBE).
Location Based Entertainment can be found in two varieties, pop-up experiences, and permanent attractions. Pop-Up Experiences are a great way to utilize empty lease space, celebrate seasonal events, or drive guest visitation (and repeat visitation) during quieter yearly cycles. Pop-Up Experiences traditionally run from 1-6 months, and often feature unique experiential offerings that are unable to be found in other regional markets. Permanent attractions are a great option for properties looking to utilize larger anchor spaces to drive guest visitation and increase revenue. Permanent Location Based Entertainment offerings are significant in that the LBE’s marketing often creates a halo effect, driving additional success for other surrounding tenants.
Location Based Entertainment offerings generally are ticketed, however, there are instances in which a free access experience can be highly effective. For developers looking to increase lease pricing and attract tenants, free experiential entertainment can act as a major driver of guest visitation. The success of the location-based entertainment and the increase in visitation as a result can be marketed to prospective tenants to highlight your property’s unique value. Free access experiences are generally setup on a temporary, pop-up basis to drive property visitation and significantly boost organic social media reach.
Location Based Entertainment projects commonly feature popular Intellectual Property (IP) to allow for an immediate marketability of the experiential offering. Media, Fashion, Food, and the Arts are the most licensed, as many brands desire to extend guest engagement beyond their traditional mediums. Ultimately, any intellectual property, regardless of the brand or industry, can offer a memorable guest experience.
Planning a pop-up or permanent location-based entertainment offering can be intimidating if you don’t know where to begin. Understanding the financial objectives, and the property/regional demographics are the first steps in creating a realistic budget and business model. Once an overall budget is set (or at minimum a range), it is common to proceed forward with the next project phases. Immersive Arts works closely with clients to develop unique guest experiences for their desired capital expenditure, and revenue expectations.